geboren /born in Düsseldorf
Studium der Malerei an der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf bei Konrad Klapheck
studied painting with Konrad Klapheck 1993-2000
Bianca C. Grüger’s pictures feature sensitive, balanced relationships between forms and color fields as well as portraits and depictions of the human body. These consist of a collection of her own depictions as well as found materials and are revised over long periods of time. This reveals the principle of a layering of pictorial levels.
In her abstract paintings, Grüger often uses rows, loops, and repeated forms; in a usually naturalistic painting style, the figurations exert a peculiar, subtle attraction with a touch of surreal attitude. In the face of the painted counterpart—in the case of viewers as well as the artist herself—the painting creates a multilayered psychology, and fine dialogues between kindred spirits develop, which usually also have a melancholy aspect. The interaction and combination of the color and structural elements with the figurative works and vice versa are fascinating—visual elective affinities.
Like all good painting, the pictures attest to the fascination of the imaginary space that is created on the surface of the painting. Abstract color fields flesh this out both physically and mentally, while the figurative works offer a stage-like illusionary space, a place behind the surface of the painting. Yet what occurs in it is not the female figure, but seeing itself, the gaze through the pictorial levels and its return to the surface of painting, realism.
Grüger awakens a desire for intimacy that hides behind her objective, only at first glance seemingly contradictory compositions full of painterly subtlety.
Dr. Gregor Jansen, Düsseldorf 2019.
100W Corsicana artist residency 2020
Many thanks to Trey Burns for his ambitious coverage of 100W’s visiting artists!